become a member
Your membership and support will help make a difference in the lives of women and their children, please join us!
The South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence (SDCEDSV) includes twenty membership programs from across the state of South Dakota. Of those twenty membership programs, thirteen of those are located within reservation boundaries.

Your membership and support will help make a difference in the lives of South Dakota women and their children, please join us!

membership levels
Any organization or program in South Dakota whose primary purpose is to end violence against women and provide all of the following to victims of domestic and/or sexual violence: advocacy, prevention, education, information, referral, shelter and social change work, and ascribe to the Mission and Principles of Unity of SDCEDSV.
Only Organizational Members have decision-making rights, serve on the Board of Directors and/or hold office. Satellite programs of existing organizational member programs are eligible to apply for independent organizational membership.
Your Benefits Include |
Technical Assistance
Executive Board positions
Conference Scholarships
Community Education and Public Awareness Materials
Mileage to attend Quarterly Board Meeting
Note: Organizations, please submit a copy of your organization’s mission statement with this completed application form.
Organizational Membership dues are $250.00 per year.
Membership Form
Any organization concerned with ending violence against women, but whose primary purpose is not providing direct advocacy to victims of domestic/sexual violence in South Dakota, and ascribe to the Mission and Principles of Unity of SDCEDSV.
Your Benefits Include |
Technical Assistance
Educational Materials
Attend Quarterly Board Meetings
Limited Scholarships for In-State Coalition Sponsored Conference
Organizational Membership dues are $200.00 per year.
Membership Form
Any individual concerned with ending violence against women, especially domestic, sexual violence and sex trafficking in South Dakota, and ascribe to the Mission and Principles of Unity of SDCEDSV.
Your Benefits Include |
Email Coalesce Newsletter
Attend Quarterly Meetings and Trainings
Complimentary posters, bumper stickers or other materials
Individual Membership dues are $25.00 per year or 10 hours of volunteer work at a local member program. Dues waived for elders (60 yrs. or over)
Membership Form

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Thank you for helping us serve those who need us!