Grassroots. Education. Advocacy.
about US
The South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence (SDCEDSV) was incorporated in September of 1978 to eliminate violence against women in the State of South Dakota and tribal nations within the borders of South Dakota. In 1978, there were no shelter or advocacy programs for women who were battered and their children. As a result of the dedication and commitment of SDCEDSV membership, today we have grown to a strong alliance of advocacy and shelter programs located throughout the state and on tribal lands.
The South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence (SDCEDSV) is the designated sexual assault coalition for the state of South Dakota, being such we offer our membership training and technical assistance specific to sexual assault through out the year, on a consistent basis.
SDCEDSV includes twenty membership programs from across the state of South Dakota. Of those twenty membership programs, thirteen of those are located within reservation boundaries.
To learn more about SDCEDSV's unique history download an informative thesis by Kimberly Dawn Robertson called Rerighting Herstory.

Highlights of Our Work
We provide public awareness, prevention and education materials.
We established advocacy/shelter programs that are now free-standing organizations.
We established outreach to ensure women across the state have consistent access to advocacy, safety and resources.
We continued to provide technical assistance, training, consultation and other resources, as available, to membership and other organizations confronting violence against women and related forms of oppression.
We have been instrumental in developing legislative reform including: Protection Orders for domestic violence victims, marriage license surcharge to fund local programs, the payment of rape examination to be the responsibility of the investigating agency, and a revised sexual assault statute specifics.

Meet Our Team
Board of Directors Co-Chair
short bio
Board of Directors - Secretary
Ebun Adelona
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Board of Directors Co-Chair
Letoy Lunderman
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Board of Directors -Treasurer
Willetta Dolphus
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Board of Directors - Member at Large
Lynn Cadotte
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Co-Executive Director
nicole bearheels
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Co-Executive Director
Karen Artichoker
Co-Executive Director
Ashley Adams