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sex trafficking 

WHAT IS SEX trafficking?

Sex trafficking is a part of human trafficking. Under federal and state law human trafficking includes recruiting, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for through the use of force, fraud of coercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bond, or slavery.  Trafficking occurs in labor exploitation – often in restaurant work, sweatshop factory work or migrant agricultural work.  It is referred to as a modern day form of slavery. 


Sex trafficked victims may be forced through fraud, threats, beatings, physical and psychological torture, or addictions to engage in prostitution, pornography and exotic dancing.

Thanks to the Tide/NoVo Foundation the SDCEDSV has been providing public awareness materials and training to End Sex Trafficking in South Dakota and on Reservations.

WHAT are sex traffickers?


There is no one face of traffickers. They include a wide range of criminals. Sex trafficker’s common names are pimps, madams, or now Bob and/or are referred to as boyfriends or husbands. Sometimes they are relatives of the victim, or pose as their employer.  Traffickers may be small or large business owners, be part of a loose knit decentralized criminal network or international organized criminal syndicate.  The majority of “johns” are male.


WHo are the victims of sex traffickers?


Victims of sex trafficking are vulnerable, isolated, “invisible” to most of society. The majority is young and female. The majority of victims of sex trafficking have already experienced sexual and other forms of violence.  Many are “throw away kids,” or chronic runaways. Some may be non-citizens, without legal status. Some are vulnerable because of emotional or mental instability. Severe poverty can make many targets for trafficking.

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